Sharing your Black Hills Energy electric bill

Sharing your Black Hills Energy electric bill

This article is for Black Hills Energy electric customers
Whether you want to review a personalized Sunscription proposal or need to move an existing Sunscription to your new home, sharing your electric utility account information is simple. Sharing basic account and usage information allows us to activate your Sunscription at your address and size your subscription appropriately to maximize your benefits.

  1. Login to your Black Hills Energy account.

  2. Download your most recent electric bill.

  3. Share your bill with US Solar.

    1. Email and attach the downloaded bill.
    2. If you do not receive electronic statements from Black Hills Energy, email us a photo of your electric bill instead.
    3. If you need assistance, please call our team at (303) 762-3576 - we are happy to help!

With your Account Number (1), Meter Number (2), and some basic electricity usage information, our team can create a personalized Sunscription proposal!